Efficient and Effective Text Editing
Windows Users
This tutorial isn't for you. Stay with VSCode, but I'd recommend installing a vim plugin so you can still use the shortcuts.You can learn these online quite easily (search for vimhero or openvim).
Mac Users
The tutorial might be for you if you know how to use the terminal.If not, go through picoCTF to gain familiarity with the shell.
Linux Users (or Mac Users with brew)
Neovim is a command-line text editor built on vim, prioritizing simplicity, speed, and efficiency.To install neovim, simply run
apt install neovim
Note: Replace
with whatever package manager you use,
and use sudo
if permissions are required.
Now, run neovim by typing
Note: This might require you to re-open your terminal to refresh the path
If you are new to vim, go through the tutorial by typing (colon Tutor)
in nvim.
Experienced Users
This section assumes a working install of neovim and a basic understanding of vimTo begin with, you should use Lazy.nvim as your plugin manager.
If you are still using packer.nvim, it is worth the upgrade due to how simple Lazy is once you understand it.
To install lazy, follow the tutorial here
You should now have a working install of lazy
Check by running
:checkhealth lazy
in neovim
and verify by running :Lazy
You should also have a working config that can load specs
Next I would follow this guide to setup LSP
Lastly, take a look around here for some inspiration on remaps
I would definitely recommend harpoon, (ThePrimeagen's custom plugin) since it mirrors tiling window manager behavior.